Thomas Lernout
14  year  Mo Bro

0 €

Target: 1.000 €
raised 6.260 € since 2011
My motivation
Fundraising for cause areas including:
Men's health
Prostate cancer
Testicular cancer
Mental health and suicide prevention

With my commitment to the Movember Fundation, I try to raise awareness on health issues many of us have already faced or may face in the future.

This year, my commitment comes with the growing of a beautiful moustache. A small effort which should bring tremendous results with your support.

I hope you'll back me up with a Donation and help me reach my Target.

Thank you in advance.



How I'm
getting involved
Düsseldorf Dragons Rugby Club
Team captain Thomas Lernout
0 € Team funds raised
0 of 60 kilometres
I'm moving 60km this Movember for the 60 men we lose each hour of every day.
Your feed

Leave Thomas a comment

Previous year's posts
Previous year's donations


Nach einem epischen Monat des Spendensammelns werden unsere Ranglisten heute Abend um 23 Uhr geschlossen! Wenn ihr in der Rangliste aufsteigen wollt, ist jetzt der richtige Zeitpunkt, um in letzter Minute um Spenden zu bitten. Jedes bisschen hilft, also warum nicht noch einen letzten Schub geben?

Ihr Engagement war bisher unglaublich - lasst uns stark enden!

Previous year's posts


Nach einem epischen Monat des Spendensammelns werden unsere Ranglisten heute Abend um 23 Uhr geschlossen! Wenn ihr in der Rangliste aufsteigen wollt, ist jetzt der richtige Zeitpunkt, um in letzter Minute um Spenden zu bitten. Jedes bisschen hilft, also warum nicht noch einen letzten Schub geben?

Ihr Engagement war bisher unglaublich - lasst uns stark enden!

13 Week(s) Ago
Donation from:
Nicola Blanchard
20 €
13 Week(s) Ago
Donation from:
Nicola Blanchard
20 €
14 Week(s) Ago
I ran .31 km00:06:41

Previous year's activities
14 Week(s) Ago
I ran .31 km00:06:41

14 Week(s) Ago
I worked out 01:14:50

14 Week(s) Ago
I worked out 01:14:50


Guten Abend, liebe Sportfans!

Der Countdown läuft - der Monat Movember ist zwar vorbei, aber ihr habt noch ein paar Tage Zeit, um in der Rangliste nach oben zu klettern, bevor wir am 9. Dezember um 23 Uhr Schluss machen.

Wenn ihr auf die letzte Chance gewartet habt, dann ist jetzt die Zeit gekommen! Ab morgen, 9 Uhr, verdoppeln unsere Freunde von L’Oréal Men Expert jede Spende von 20+ € mit weiteren 20 €! Der Topf ist begrenzt, ihr solltet also schnell zugreifen, um nichts zu verpassen - die vollständigen AGBs findet ihr hier:

Bislang habt ihr zusammen 37.623 € gesammelt - unglaublich! Also lasst uns die letzten Tage nutzen, um stark zu enden.


Good evening sports fans!

The countdown is on - the month of Movember may be over, but you’ve got a few days left to climb the leaderboard before we wrap things up at 11pm on 9th December.

If you’ve been waiting for that final chance to make your move, now’s the time! From 9am tomorrow, our friends at L’Oréal Men Expert will be matching any donations of 20€ + with a further 20€! The pot is limited, so you’ll want to get in quickly to avoid missing out - full T&Cs here:

So far, you’ve raised 37.623 € between you and counting - unbelievable! So let’s make these last few days count and finish strong.


Guten Abend, liebe Sportfans!

Der Countdown läuft - der Monat Movember ist zwar vorbei, aber ihr habt noch ein paar Tage Zeit, um in der Rangliste nach oben zu klettern, bevor wir am 9. Dezember um 23 Uhr Schluss machen.

Wenn ihr auf die letzte Chance gewartet habt, dann ist jetzt die Zeit gekommen! Ab morgen, 9 Uhr, verdoppeln unsere Freunde von L’Oréal Men Expert jede Spende von 20+ € mit weiteren 20 €! Der Topf ist begrenzt, ihr solltet also schnell zugreifen, um nichts zu verpassen - die vollständigen AGBs findet ihr hier:

Bislang habt ihr zusammen 37.623 € gesammelt - unglaublich! Also lasst uns die letzten Tage nutzen, um stark zu enden.


Good evening sports fans!

The countdown is on - the month of Movember may be over, but you’ve got a few days left to climb the leaderboard before we wrap things up at 11pm on 9th December.

If you’ve been waiting for that final chance to make your move, now’s the time! From 9am tomorrow, our friends at L’Oréal Men Expert will be matching any donations of 20€ + with a further 20€! The pot is limited, so you’ll want to get in quickly to avoid missing out - full T&Cs here:

So far, you’ve raised 37.623 € between you and counting - unbelievable! So let’s make these last few days count and finish strong.

14 Week(s) Ago
Donation from:
Thomas Lernout
20 €

Donation from Julian B.
Thank you Julian

14 Week(s) Ago
Donation from:
Thomas Lernout
20 €

Donation from Julian B.
Thank you Julian

14 Week(s) Ago
Donation from:
Anne Kennedy
30 €

A great cause Toto
Well done

14 Week(s) Ago
Donation from:
Anne Kennedy
30 €

A great cause Toto
Well done

14 Week(s) Ago
I ran .05 km00:01:29

14 Week(s) Ago
I ran .05 km00:01:29

14 Week(s) Ago
I worked out 01:52:04

14 Week(s) Ago
I worked out 01:52:04

14 Week(s) Ago
I ran 2.12 km00:12:54

14 Week(s) Ago
I ran 2.12 km00:12:54

14 Week(s) Ago
Donation from:
Daphne Flommersfeld
20 €

great that you're standing up for it! Go Toto!

14 Week(s) Ago
Donation from:
Daphne Flommersfeld
20 €

great that you're standing up for it! Go Toto!

15 Week(s) Ago
I ran .43 km00:13:34

15 Week(s) Ago
I worked out 01:54:08

15 Week(s) Ago
I worked out 00:06:15

15 Week(s) Ago
I worked out 7 km02:13:00

Rugby training

15 Week(s) Ago
I ran 5.19 km00:30:55

15 Week(s) Ago
I worked out 00:11:03

15 Week(s) Ago
I worked out 02:13:04

16 Week(s) Ago
I ran 3180 m00:20:21

Testing my ankle ;-)


Schaut euch die deutsche sportliche Challenge an und seht, wie ihr euch mit euren Sportskameraden aus dem ganzen Land messen könnt. Wenn ihr es noch nicht getan habt, sagt es weiter und bringt so viele eurer Teamkollegen wie möglich dazu, sich anzumelden.

Wie auch immer du mitmachst, du veränderst das Gesicht der Männergesundheit.

Mal sehen, wer am Ende des Monats als Spitzenreiter dasteht!


Check out the Germany Sports Challenge and see how you measure up against your fellow sporting Mos across the country. If you haven’t already, spread the word and get as many of your team mates signed up as possible.

However you Mo, you’re changing the face of men’s health.

Let’s see who comes out on top at the end of the month!

18 Week(s) Ago

Hey Thomas,

Thanks for stepping up to lead a Movember team! Now, let’s maximise your impact. The more teammates you recruit, the greater your potential! Share your team page with friends, family, colleagues, and post on social media to rally support! 
Every new team member helps us get closer to funding life-changing men’s health projects.  
Thanks so much! 

118 Week(s) Ago

A big thank you Georg for your support.
It helps a lot.

118 Week(s) Ago

Thank you Richard for your donation ;-)

118 Week(s) Ago

Thank you very much to the anonymous supporter who made the latest donation.
Last day to support my beautiful Moustache ;-).
Thank you in advance.

119 Week(s) Ago
I ran 13.11 km01:17:42

6th Movember run. Target reached :-).

119 Week(s) Ago

Merci beaucoup ITseamslike ;-) pour ton soutien indéfectible.
J'espère à bientôt.

119 Week(s) Ago

Thank you to my latest anonymous donor and thank you to Gillette for topping up the last donation with the same amount.
Nice surprise!

119 Week(s) Ago

5th Movember run on the 18th November.

120 Week(s) Ago
I ran 8.7 km00:46:19

Took the chance of a few sun rays for an active lunch break

121 Week(s) Ago
I ran 14.65 km01:27:56

4th Movember run.

121 Week(s) Ago

Showing my Mo in a football game tonight

121 Week(s) Ago
I ran 6 km00:33:09

3rd Movember run
F….g treadmill going twice in emergency stop and erasing all progress

122 Week(s) Ago
I ran 8.04 km00:42:03

2nd Movember run. Treadmill run in Porto

122 Week(s) Ago
I ran 11.61 km01:03:09

1st Movember 2022 run :-)

172 Week(s) Ago

Big run tonight (14.82 Km). I went to check if one if the Dragons Challenge sticker is still there. It is

172 Week(s) Ago

Back to running business after 14 days indoor. Still 40 Km to run. 10 days left.

175 Week(s) Ago

223 Week(s) Ago
I ran 7.82 km00:39:54

Made it. 100 km in November. :-)

223 Week(s) Ago


The battle is off, the last minutes were intense.
As a result, I'm keeping my beard. My wife is happy and my son disappointed he can not shave it. :-).

Thank you all who donated and participated.

You can of course continue to support Movember and donate on my fundraiser.


223 Week(s) Ago

36€ gap and 30 minutes to go. The battle is on

223 Week(s) Ago

The difference is now 66 €

223 Week(s) Ago

3 hour and half left and 86 € of difference. So far, it seems that I will keep my beard....unless you decide otherwise

224 Week(s) Ago

4 Donations on my Movember page and my beard starts to fill the threat. Will I shave it in 9 days? It is up to you!
Donate and have a say

226 Week(s) Ago

The first donations and two votes are in.
So far, I'm keeping my beard

Note: As donations can be made privately, not all donations are displayed to the public.