What is Movember?
Movember is a movement for men's health. For 30 days in the month formerly known as November, Mo Bros and Mo Sisters rally to support the cause, get people talking and raise funds for men’s health projects.
How can you get your community involved?
Don't Mo alone! Get your sports teams, clubs, campuses, your favorite restaurant, bar, barbershop and other local businesses to join in the fun. Organise into teams for a little friendly competition. Raise funds, share men’s health information, and plan team activities throughout the month.
Three ways to fundraise
For 30 days, champion the Mo and raise funds for men’s health.
Challenge yourself to get physically active and raise funds for men’s health.
Get together for a Movember event. Any excuse for a good time.
Need ideas? Check out these Movember legends from years past.



Contact Us
Leading the charge in your workplace? Our team can help make your Movember a raging success.
Phone: +44 207 952 2060
Email: germany@movember.com