Lamborghini Nürnberg

37.650 €


Wir sammeln diesen Movember Aufmerksamkeit und Spenden für die Väter, Brüder, Söhne und Freunde in unserem Leben. Dafür brauchen wir deine Hilfe. Bitte spende für die Männergesundheit.

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Hi Lamborghini Nürnberg,

I wanted to reach out personally to say a huge thank you for the amazing amount you have raised so far – you’re Movember legends and we can’t thank you enough. Because of you, more men can live healthier, happier and longer lives. To read about some of the projects you have helped to fund go to

If there’s anything we can to do help you with your fundraising, then please do not hesitate to get in touch.

I hope you have a great rest of the month and best of luck staying top of the fundraising league table!

Best wishes,

Senior Manager, Movember

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